Why is it necessary to have a car insurance?

Other than offering financial protection in case of a car accident, having car insurance is almost mandatory within the country, each state’s laws set minimum auto liability coverage limits that each driver is required to buy, this is required to avoid having your pocket drained out.

Auto insurance in general is created to protect you and other passengers in case of an accident, it covers medical payments and personal injuries.

In this article, we will discuss what level of cover for car insurance do you need and how to compare quotes.

Types of Car Insurance

The best way to most suitable car insurance for you is to cover what you need, picking the most affordable option may not include what you actually need for your car to be insured.

There are three main types of car insurance to choose from.


considered as the most basic level of car insurance, the main advantage of it is it will cover the damage you caused to other passengers, people, or their property as a result of an accident, but the main disadvantage of it is it will not cover your car for repairs or replacement.

Third-Party, fire, and theft:

considered as the middle-level type of car insurance, it has the same advantages and disadvantages as the Third-Party insurance type, the difference is, like the type’s name suggest, it covers your car for repair or replacement if it gets stolen or damaged by fire.


considered as the most extensive type of car insurance, basically, it gives you the most protection, it covers you, your car, other passengers, and other people including their property, it also offers the same benefits of Third-party, fire, and theft coverage of having your car stolen or damaged by fire.


What are the Different
Types of Car Insurance?

The standard policy usually covers 12 months of insurance for a single car; however, it depends on your needs as well, other types available are:

Multi-car: insure all the cars you have at your address, some companies offer a discount for each car you own at an address.

Temporary car: usually insurance companies offer from 1 to 28 days for this type of cars.

Learner Car: covers for learner drivers in their own or someone else’s car.

Classic Car: this type of insurance policy designed for classic car owners; a car is considered classic if it was older than 15 years.

Car Insurance Classes

Insurance Classes

Social Class

this will only cover you and any named drivers for social driving only, such as traveling, visiting family, and friends, but it will not cover commuting to a place of work.

Business Class

this will cover your car during working hours for work matters, such as driving to a specific site as part of your job.

Insurance Classes
Insurance Classes

Social and Commuting

this type combines both advantages of Social and Business classes, it also covers when driving to the train station while you catch the train to work.

How to Get More Affordable Car Insurance?

Despite car insurance being very expensive, but there are ways that you could make it more affordable:

Yearly Payment

paying in advance always works out cheaper than paying monthly, it will eliminate interest or finance arrangement fees.

Consider the car you own

more powerful cars, such as sporty cars, tend to have more expensive accidents, thus costing more to insure.

Add an experienced driver

adding a driver to your policy can lower prices, it is recommended to list the person who drives the car as much as the main driver.

Extra Security

increasing the security level of your car can also help if they are above the standard manufacturer level, even simple matters like parking off-road can affect prices.


it is recommended for a younger or inexperienced driver to have a black box or an app that tracks your driving to calculate your insurance.

This should cover all the information you need to know before having an estimate, but do not hesitate to ask the expert any question or more ways to have the full beneficial information to have the car insurance that you need as well.

Why Be Like Him!

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Get your quote now and keep your peace of mind!